APM Studios
July 2017—September 2019
The hero tile for the podcast The Hilarious World of Depression featuring the pop-in audio player.
As a product designer at MPR/APM I was responsible for everything from MPRNews and The Current to their CMS and APM Studios. One of the most impactful projects I worked on was the creation of a new site for all their podcasts.
Original page for individual podcasts
The existing site was a rigid singular site that gave each of their shows a single page to post episodes, show information, bios, fundraising links and events. The redesign of the APM Studios site was catalyzed by requests from producers to be able to use their own URLs and the desires of SVPs to increase donations that were easier to track which shows listeners wanted their contributions to benefit.
Final design of the homepage for the podcast Terrible, Thanks for Asking
I started everything by conducting many stakeholder and user interviews. I spoke with producers, talent, engineers, SVPs and attended several program events to ask listeners how they listened to and followed their favorite programs.

After accumulating enough research, I began wireframing templates that were focused on single shows and led meetings with each show’s team to gauge feedback on various features.
Diagram breaking down the existing user flow for podcasts
Early desktop wireframe for theindividual podcast homepage
After months of meetings and presentations, I eventually was able to get everyone in agreement on a template design that solved many of the pain points of the current site and introduced new features that enabled teams to cover more ground.

I helped engineers to build the site and once launched it doubled users’ time on the site, increased revenue with more clearly delineated donations and decreased development time for new podcasts by 90%.
Final design of the homepage for the podcast Decomposed
Hamburger menu expanded on the homepage for the podcast The Slowdown
Mobile versions of 3 different podcasts' homepage