Avtex (acquired by TTEC)
February 2020 —March 2021
The redesigned outbound dialing interface
As a contract product designer for the CX company Avtex, I was tasked with redesigning the interface of their SmartTrack integration software for Genesys Interaction Connect. The primary user was call operators at Credit Unions managing inbound calls from their customers. 
The original outbound dialing interface
After several meetings with their engineers going over functionality and interviewing a few call operators who used their product I was able to identify small changes to the UI to make it easier to manage client interactions. 
Interaction tree for SmartHold
Call operators expressed frustration around time limits for making decisions and a general lack of clarity around hierarchy of information. Engineers expressed frustrations with constraints having to work within Interaction Connect.
Early wireframe for callback request interface
The UI required an overhaul focused on hierarchy of elements and solutions were designed for placing more important information at the top of the page. Colors were added to call attention to secondary elements based on context sensitive interactions. The implemented solution reduced support tickets from Credit Unions and added to the value of their product ahead of the acquisition by TTEC.
The original transfer callback interface
The redesigned transfer callback interface
The original callback request interface
The redesigned callback request interface
The original call analysis interface
The redesigned call analysis interface